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Joy Klohonatz

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I've been in the people business for over 40 years. The past 20 have been as an Independent Business Owner speaking and training people all over the world the power of gratitude.
I graduated from Penn State University, worked my way up to a General Store Manager of three different Kmart Stores, of which I received top recognition for superior customer service and employee retention. In the early 2000's, I became a sole entrepreneur and began my journey in the Gratitude Sharing business with Promptings.
I currently serve on the highest honorary advisory board with my current company and have earned VIP status numerous time.
I have received the Women of the Year award for BPW, Volunteer of the Year Award in the area, and the Chamber Champion of the Year from the Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce. Most recently in 2023 I was humbled and honored to receive the coveted Athena Award. One of the highest awards a woman can receive for her leadership and contribution to others.
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