Beauty Industry Show - Pennsylvania - 2024 Trainer Application

Thank you for submitting your application for the upcoming Pennsylvania Beauty Industry Show, being held Sunday and Monday, May 19-20, 2024. This event will be taking place at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, 777 Waterwheel Drive, Champion PA. 15622.

If you need help filling out this form, please TEXT Tracey Napotnik at 814-248-8928.
This is your company business name for training purposes.
(Use the email that you check most often)
Our best communication is through text messaging. By providing your cell number, you agree to receive text messages from
Feel free to attach your bio here or enter a brief description about what makes you a trainer for beauty professionals.

In order to be considered to teach at the show we MUST have the following...

This class, if approved as trainer for the show, will be a guaranteed class. If you would like to teach more then one class per day, please add the second class on the the appropriate day. If you would like more then two classes to be considered, please send Tracey Napotnik a text message at (814) 248-8928 with the class name, ONLY AFTER you receive a trainer acceptance letter via email for the show.
Class description: MUST be an average of 8 sentences. No more than 10 sentences, no less than 4 sentences will be accepted. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will not be able to go back and forth multiple times asking for you to relook over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application.
Class description: MUST be an average of 8 sentences. No more than 10 sentences, no less than 4 sentences will be accepted. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will not be able to go back and forth multiple times asking for you to relook over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application.
Class description: MUST be an average of 8 sentences. No more than 10 sentences, no less than 4 sentences will be accepted. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will not be able to go back and forth multiple times asking for you to relook over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application.
Class description: MUST be an average of 8 sentences. No more than 10 sentences, no less than 4 sentences will be accepted. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will not be able to go back and forth multiple times asking for you to relook over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application.
***These items, upon request, will incur fees from the venue. We will have these prices soon.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
One head shot and one company logo is preferred but not mandatory. Photos are recommended to be in color. They must be a clear and professional looking image.
Please click the link to view Terms of Service

Thank you for submitting your application. We will review it and get back to you shortly to discuss status of approval.

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