TRAINERS For The 2025 Pennsylvania Beauty Pro’s Expo “Pa Beauty Show”

Thank you for submitting your application for the upcoming Pennsylvania Beauty Industry Show. This event will be taking place at Seven Springs Mountain Resort located at 777 Waterwheel Drive, Champion PA. 15622.

If you need help filling out this form, please TEXT Tracey Napotnik at 814-248-8928.
First and Last Name of the Trainer who will be TEACHING.
Leave blank if you are the trainer listed above. If you are filling this out from a company, and you are the lead contact person who is not the actually trainer, please put YOUR full name and phone number here.
Please write the company to whom you are teaching for. If your in independent with no registered company name leave blank.
(Use the email that you check most often)
Our BEST communication is through text messaging (or fb messenger). By providing your cell number, you agree to receive text messages from Standard rates may apply. We know for some it many not always be the most convenient way to be in contact with a business however for many others it’s preferred. With hundreds of emails a day, emails for SalonTraining at times get buried in the mix. So if you need a quicker reply please text (even to say you sent an email). Our number again is (814) 248-8928. If you choose not to give cell number please provide the number 555-555-5555.
This is where you prefer your mail sent. It could be your business or home address.
Please provide you BIO in a well thought out description. Many trainers already have this somewhere you can copy and paste. These MUST MUST MUST be in a format we can copy and paste. Check spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraphs. We will post this exactly how you have shared it with us. Do NOT add ANY extra words that you do not want to be shared. We will not go back and make multiple edits. We will allow 1 edit up to Dec. 1, 2024, after that a $50.00 fee will be charged for every edit to your bio, so look over it, know what you want beauty professionals to read about you. We understand as we also have spelling and grammar mistakes on our end. It just takes up a lot of precious time and money on our end going back and forth making changes especially multiple times for so many people. We want to spend more time marketing so please look over yours before submitting.

********* In order to be considered to teach at the show we MUST have the following…

READ ALL – Please submit for 2 classes (Unless you only want 1). WHEN WRITING IN YOUR CLASS NAMES AND DESCRPTION, just like stated above, we will copy and paste your information EXACTLY HOW YOU WRITE IT HERE! THINK AND READ WHAT YOU WROTE WHEN FILLING THESE OUT. Two years in a row close to 80% of our time spent was going back and forth with trainers on their class names and descriptions. We can not and will not do that again going forward. TIME and funds need to be spent more in promoting and other important areas of the show. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE know the class you would like to teach and have a clear description of it. We of course will allow 1 edit. We WILL charge a $100.00 fee for each edit after the first complimentary one. We MUST do this in order to use our time for all aspects of the show. Please check for spelling, grammar, and making sure you have paragraphs if needed. We ask that you stay within: no less then 4 sentences and no longer then 7 sentences.
After writing it – read it or have someone else read it before you submit. Is the class name approximately 2-4 words? If it’s to long it can tend to turn someone away. The name should not be a something a beauty pro will have to try to figure out what it might be about. Yes they will understand after reading the description, however the first few words should capture attention!
Class descriptions NEED to be between 4 to 7 sentences. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will NOT go back and fourth having classes being changed. Please re-look over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. We will do this by copying and pasting the EXACT information you place here. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application. You will be allowed 1 edit only at no charge. Any and all edits after this will be charged a $100.00 fee to make edits. We must do this so that we can pay the admins for their time for when changes are made. When changes are made consistently there is less time for marketing and promoting the show!
After writing it – read it or have someone else read it before you submit. Is the class name approximately 2-4 words? If it’s to long it can tend to turn someone away. The name should not be a something a beauty pro will have to try to figure out what it might be about. Yes they will understand after reading the description, however the first few words should capture attention!
Class descriptions NEED to be between 4 to 7 sentences. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will NOT go back and fourth having classes being changed. Please re-look over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. We will do this by copying and pasting the EXACT information you place here. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application. You will be allowed 1 edit only at no charge. Any and all edits after this will be charged a $100.00 fee to make edits. We must do this so that we can pay the admins for their time for when changes are made. When changes are made consistently there is less time for marketing and promoting the show!
If a 3rd class is accepted – Class descriptions NEED to be between 4 to 7 sentences. THINK CAREFULLY and look over spelling and grammar. Think if YOU were reading the description of your class, would you want to attend? We will NOT go back and fourth having classes being changed. Please re-look over your information. Please submit a well thought-out class description on what you want your class to say. This class name and description will be posted on the website, social media, as well as the brochure at the show. We will do this by copying and pasting the EXACT information you place here. If this is not filled out properly, we will not accept this application. You will be allowed 1 edit only at no charge. Any and all edits after this will be charged a $100.00 fee to make edits. We must do this so that we can pay the admins for their time for when changes are made. When changes are made consistently there is less time for marketing and promoting the show!
***These items, upon request, may incur fees from the venue. When we get finalized prices we will contact you to give them to you. In the event you no longer need these no invoice will be set. If you would like these items, after you review the prices, we will send invoice.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
One head shot and one company logo is preferred but not mandatory. Photos are recommended to be in color. They must be a clear and professional looking image.
Please click the link to view Terms of Service
If you at this time are not able to print out the terms of service we do ask that you visit this form when you have questions first. If your questions can not be answered from the terms you may reach out to Tracey Napotnik via text (814) 248-8928.

Thank you for submitting your application. We will review it and get back to you shortly to discuss status of approval.